WE are all playing a very big part in impacting what I will call Workplace History.
Let me tease that out a little…
Every 80 years – in 2021,
1941, 1861, and 1781 – America faced a crisis. Each crisis changed our economy and our society in deep and long-lasting ways, that forever afterwards split our memories of the past into “before” and “after” the crisis. The result of each was a victory, but also fundamental changes in our economy, and our way of life. Our current pandemic is the most recent example; it too, will change America forever.
When we finally bring the pandemic to an end, we’ll see a permanent change in our way of life; more specifically OUR WORKPLACE, and our Communities. Work-from-home, work-remotely, and work-from-anywhere have proven popular and successful in a very big way! Success is finally being measured by output and not face time. As many of you know, Work-life balance has been a fundamental value of IQ since our founding in 1994!
Removing geographical restrictions provides us the opportunity to grow beyond our Pittsburgh footprint and adds diversity to and for our team. We now have employees in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Virginia and Maryland! I can’t emphasize enough how this changes the game for all of us, forever. Where we once dipped our toes, we are now fully immersed!
Opening our search for team members anywhere in the country, will unleash the skills and talents of many. It enables us to contribute to the best of our ability, in the job we want and are most effective, regardless of location. For each of us, that means our value won’t be limited by how far we can commute.
We haven’t perfected the new remote workplace, and it may take five to ten years to be fully reflected in our hiring and staffing practices, but the result will most certainly make a positive impact for decades to come.
This movement to remote work allows us to live anywhere we want! We will no longer need to go to a “big city” to realize our personal, professional and financial goals! We now have the choice to move back home or never leave our hometown. Having highly educated professionals back in the daily life of small-town America will make a huge impact to our local schools, charities, civic organizations, job training and career mentorship. We will all be transformed in ways the we can only begin to imagine!
Yet again, a once-in-a-lifetime crisis is remaking America, and you’re a part, a very big part, of history in the making.
Let’s work together to redefine, and perfect our WORKPLACE unlocking social and economic opportunities regardless of barriers like physical location!
I challenge each of you to work with us in identifying ways we can become an INVINCIBLE COMPANY.
– President and Founder, Barbara Vankirk
“Working from home” by veo_ is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0