Employee Spotlight – Scott VanKirk

IQ Culture
by: Scott Plummer

1. What motivates you every day? I am motivated to learn something new, overcome challenges with my teammates, and provide our customers with exceptional service every day. It gives me great pride to get to the end of a long day and think of how I made the lives of my teammate’s easier or impacted people I will never meet when they use the software I work on and it does the things they expect it to do.

2. Briefly describe what you do at IQ. I have been with IQ for 15 years and work as a Test Engineer and Scrum Master for my team. My days are mostly filled with testing new functionality my team produces, writing test cases to verify that functionality, and finding new and exciting ways to “break” the systems I work on. As a Scrum Master I lead my team in refining new backlog items and working with PO’s and SE’s to define and prioritize upcoming work.

3. What does your workspace look like? Cluttered but in an organized way. My desk is half covered with notebooks and scrap paper filled with references to different conversations and meetings. In addition to the work clutter I also keep pictures of my family in sight as a constant reminder of who I am working for.

4. What do you like to do outside of work? I love to spend time with my wife and two young boys. We go to the park or on walks on the weekend. My oldest is starting to take an interest in video games so it has been great getting to spend time on the PlayStation with him, I have no doubt he will be teaching me how to play new games in the near future. I also love to bake bread. Rarely a week goes by where I’m not trying out a new recipe or trying out something new with an old favorite.

5. What advice do you have for others in your profession? Always keep an open mind and a willingness to learn something new.

6. What do you love about IQ Inc? I love the welcoming, friendly nature of all the people. In addition to the people I love the work I get to do helping people improve their lives.